Updated July 31, 2023
There’s nothing good about a broken HVAC system. But a broken commercial HVAC in Moore is particularly devastating because it leaves your business on the line. Whatever industry you’re in, a broken heating and cooling system leaves you in the lurch. Your customers and employees will suffer, and your reputation could be tarnished. To prevent your system from completely failing, you need to know when it’s time to call for a repair.
Your Employees are Distracted by the Noise
Is your HVAC system so noisy that your employees find it difficult to focus? As odd as this may sound, it happens quite frequently. An incessant buzzing or clicking distracts your workers from their jobs. If you have a storefront, the noise could annoy your clients and send them out the door before buying anything.
A noisy HVAC isn’t something to ignore. While your system won’t be silent, it shouldn’t be a constant distraction. As soon as you notice odd noises, call an HVAC technician for assistance. Your system may only be a few days away from failure.
In commercial buildings, HVAC systems are usually on the roof. Therefore, the noises often come from the vents and their openings. The people most likely to notice noise are the ones who sit near the vent openings. You might also need to ask your employees if they’ve noticed any strange noises. At times, people don’t report the irregularities they spot with the HVAC system.
People in Your Building are Too Hot or Cold
It’s the responsibility of your HVAC system to keep your employees and customers comfortable. Unfortunately, a broken heating and cooling system won’t do that. The ambient temperature might not match the thermostat for any number of reasons. Typically, one of the first signs you need a repair is an uncomfortable temperature.
If you receive complaints about the temperature or humidity, it’s time to service your heating and cooling system. There could be a minor issue, like a broken thermostat, or a more significant problem. Either way, you need the act quickly. Productivity could drop or customers could stop patronizing you. Furthermore, your system could be close to failure.
If you have a large building, people in certain areas of the property might complain. The system could have multiple heating or cooling zones, and the issue may only affect some zones. Before you call your HVAC technician, try to determine if the issue is in all the zones or only some of them. Doing so could help the technician diagnose the problem quickly and save you money on the repair.
Your Utility Bills Skyrocket
As the months’ change, you probably notice seasonal adjustments to your utility bill. However, you might notice an unexpected increase in your energy bills and consumption. There could be other causes for the rise, but your HVAC system may be to blame.
Out of all the appliances in your building, the HVAC system is one of the biggest energy consumers. If your energy bills are high, your heating and cooling are likely the culprits. Your system may be broken, which requires it to pull more energy to heat and cool your business.
As an HVAC system ages, it gets less energy efficient. To keep your system from working too hard and raising your energy bills, you should consult with a professional. They can tell you whether or not it’s time to replace your system. And if there’s a problem that needs to be fixed, they can handle the repair.
Whether you get a new system or you repair your existing one, you can enjoy lower energy bills. Minor changes can make your system more energy-efficient, and that means lower running costs for your business. In the end, a call to your HVAC specialist could save you money every month. With some attention, your HVAC system could save you hundreds of dollars on utility bills.
There’s Excess Moisture
Most HVAC systems produce a little condensation on the unit itself. But when a system produces more moisture than usual, there’s trouble brewing. Your system isn’t working properly.
The moisture doesn’t need to be on the unit to indicate a problem. If the humidity in your building seems higher than usual, your HVAC has an issue. Although a dehumidifier could remedy the humidity, it only covers up the real issue.
Excess moisture poses several challenges to you as a business owner. For one, it causes mold growth. Your building’s high humidity levels allow mold to grow behind the scenes. Once you have mold, removing it is challenging and costly. Another issue with the high humidity is poor air quality. Your customers and employees could experience symptoms from the high humidity or mold growth.
Foul Odors
An air freshener won’t do much to cover up the unpleasant odors of a broken HVAC system. In some cases, the smell comes from a refrigerant leak. This is an immediate concern because refrigerant is a hazardous chemical. Usually, refrigerant leaks smell like ether.
If you have a moldy or musty smell in your building, you could have a moisture issue. There are a few possible reasons for this, but they all require a diagnosis and repair from an experienced professional.
Is there a rotting smell from your air ducts? If so, you could have a dead animal in your ducts. Unless the animal is apparent, you need an HVAC technician to inspect your system and remove the animal.
The System Short Cycles
When an HVAC system turns on and off every few minutes, it’s not working well. This is known as short-cycling, and it means your system is working excessively hard. Often, short cycling occurs when a system is too small for the building. It could also happen when there’s a refrigerant leak. In either case, it’s only a matter of time before your system breaks down.
Preventing Problems by Calling for Help with Your Commercial HVAC
Don’t hesitate to call a technician to repair your commercial HVAC. If you suspect trouble, give us a call at Home Comfort Solutions. We’re ready to help you with your Moore system.